Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 2017 Summary and Results

April was a rough month.  I was in the black, but just barely.  Of course statistical variance is going to happen and players know that every month won't be a winning month, unless maybe they play 100,000 hands or more per month (some players do) which makes short-term variance a non-factor.

In this case, it wasn't about variance.  I just didn't play well.  I let myself get distracted and made a lot of dumb mistakes.

I'm still working on things, learning new things, and dealing with difficult situations.  In my previous post I mentioned the problems that I'm having with sleeping and with playing on weekends.  I think that I understand what I need to do about that and other issues. Some of the problems can be more easily solved than others, but I have some ideas to make things work better.  I'll talk about that future posts, but I'll tease with this:

I will be playing on a second sight very soon.  That will give me more options for when I play and when I can sleep. I won't be locked into playing the same block of tournaments every night.

On a positive note, I did see one thing in my numbers that I liked.  I always try to spend at least 25% of my poker time studying.  I let that slip for a while, but I've been working on bringing that number up. I don't have the number for the month, but in the last week of April my study percentage was 22%.  If I keep working on that it will make a big difference in my results.

Without further ado, here are the numbers:

April 2017 Tournaments on Juicy Stakes Poker
Tournaments played, 46
11 net win tournaments, +$78.09.
37 net loss tournaments, -$69.30

RESULTS FOR APRIL 2017, +$8.79.

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