Thursday, April 27, 2017

Why I Don't Post Every Day

People spend a lot of time communicating online.  Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Skype, you name it. People are on social media all the time.  Everyone wants to document every moment of their life,  For example, Facebook shows that "Jane is at Starbucks now.."  Good job Jane, you just told your druggie Facebook friend (who you've never met) that he's free to take things from you house to get money for drugs.

I will never be one of those people who has to check his phone every five minutes, or tell everyone where I am or what I'm doing.  If I didn't have relatives that don't communicate any other way I probably wouldn't be on Facebook.  It's a tool, not an obsession. I never want to have 100 Facebook friends, and it won't hurt my feelings if I never get to 50.

So, what does that have to do with poker?

I recently read an article wherein the author stated that to be relevant as a blogger, you have to keep it fresh and post something new at least once a day.  No thank you, I'll just be irrelevant.

I've been trying to post more often, at least a few times a week, but there are two reasons I don't post daily:

1. I have better things to do with my time.
2. What I do isn't very exciting.

Playing live poker is fun.  It's a fascinating parade of all kinds of people.  All races, ages, backgrounds, you name it.  I've been at a table with a married couple and a player with a girlfriend who's the dealer.  I've played with an 18-year old playing his first live tournament and with an area pro who played with her poker coach every day for an entire year.  I've played with drunks and teetotalers, non-stop talkers and a player who didn't say a word at the table for three hours.

So far this year I've only played online, and it's very different..  I sit at a computer several hours a day.  I move a mouse around and click on something when it's my turn to bet, raise or fold.   When things get really dramatic, I type a number (how much I want to bet) then I click on something.

I hope that wasn't more excitement than you can handle.

Don't get me wrong, I think that my blog is useful and I'm happy to have readers.  Not only does it let my readers know what I'm up to, but putting it down in words helps me think through what I'm doing. Sometimes I will be writing about a tournament when I suddenly realize that what I typed doesn't make sense--there was a better way to play that hand.  Doh!

Unless you're a hardcore poker player I just don't have enough to tell you to make it interesting. Some days I might play tournaments for five hours, post on my poker blog and watch a poker webinar.

Now that I think about it, documenting what I do all day might be kind of interesting--if I only do it once a month.  An honest review of how I'm spending my time could be a good thing..

As always, your comments and questions are welcome.

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