Saturday, February 25, 2017

Fixing My Spreadsheets and My Health

I mentioned in my previous post that my spreadsheets got a bit out of control while I was sick, because I didn't have the extra energy to do anything except play poker and sleep.  I did a couple things today to fix that.

1. I started running again, which will certainly benefit my health in general and my energy level in particular.  Money has been a little tight since we moved so I didn't want to spend a lot on another pair of running shoes.  The local MC Sporting Goods store is closing and I got a good deal on a pair of shoes.

I'm surprised at how out of shape I was.  I thought I would just run a mile at a time until I got back in shape, and it wound up being half a mile.  My legs felt really heavy.  I'll keep at it though, and I think that after doing a half-mile a few times I'll be able to increase my speed or my distance pretty quickly.  I've run races from a mile to a marathon, I know how to train and get back in shape (even if it's a little harder at age 61).and I'll get back where I need to be before long.

2. I worked on the spreadsheet problem, but I couldn't figure it out.  I had to get on the Open Office forums and post a question about what I need to do.  I wrote in the post that I will probably play around a thousand tournaments this year.  If I play only online I could easily play that many, as it's only 2.7 tournaments per day in a 365-day year. But if I wind up playing a lot of live poker, that online tournament total will be a lot smaller.

Here is what I posted on the Open Office forums:

I am a professional poker player playing online tournaments. I don't know how many tournaments I will play this year, but probably around 1,000.

Here is a simplified description of what my spreadsheet headings look like:

Column Headings: Date/Tournament Number/Buy-in/Profit or Loss

What I need to do is Freeze the column headings in place. I also need to keep the totaling lines and totals in place. This is a one-column example of what the spreadsheet looks like:


Using this example, I need the two rows above "20.00" to stay in place and I also need the bottom tow rows, "-------" and "$45.00", to stay in place. I also need to be able to scroll down as I add data from tournaments I have played that day, without losing the headings,

The other issue is how/where to set up the totaling row (in this example, the "45.00" row), since my estimate of 1,000 tournaments is a very rough one. Right now I have to scroll up to see the headings and down to see the totals. I have too many rows to fit on a page, and I need to fix that. Any help is appreciated.

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