Monday, June 11, 2012

My wings are clipped

We are a one car family now.  Someone ran a red light and got me as I entered an intersection. As my wife and I are working on becoming debt-free, and don't have the funds right now to pay cash for another used car, I will be sticking pretty close to home.  I'll probably take my wife to work once a week, keep the car and try to take care of any necessary errands that day.  Since I'm stuck at home most of the day, I don't have any excuse not to get my time in this week..

I'm inching closer to the magic number of $228, which is the largest bankroll I've ever had.  I'm at $210.04.  $228 will be a huge psychological milestone for me, the first time I've actually taken the time to grow a real bankroll..  I made just a few dollars yesterday, with two mincashes: a 3rd in a $1.50 SNG for a net of $1.05, then I got the bottom cashing spot, 12th place, in a 60-player MTT, for a net of $3.87.

I could have been cautious and finished a lot higher, but I did what I'm supposed to do to make the most profit, that is, always go for first place.  I went all in against the big stack with a chance to double up, got the money in good (my 22 against villian's AQo, which made me 52% to win), but he hit one of his high cards and I was out.  You have to be willing to take those chances with even a slight edge if you want to make more money in the long run, it just didn't work out that time.  I know it was the right play, and if I make the right plays over time, I'll make a lot of money, so I have no regrets.

I'll probably be playing a lot of DONs today.  They are usually done in around half an hour, so I can watch the radar on and fit them in between the "scattered" thunderstorms in the forecast for tonight.

During the storm I can study.  I would like to finish the second reading of Johnathan Little's book tonight, then I can start with the third reading, which is when I go through the book very slowly, like I'm studying a textbook (which the book in fact is), stopping to write down things to work on, working through the math in some of the examples, and generally starting to apply all of the things that I'm learning.

There aren't any good MTTs that I can play after the strorms pass tonight, so I'll probably just play as many DONs as I can for the VIP rewards, to get my rakeback and bonus amounts up..

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