Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Balancing Play and Study

After I thought about what I might do differently when scheduling my time, I decided that I should get my playing in first.  Not because studying isn't a priority, but because I don't want to play when I'm tired.  I can't lose money because I'm tired when I study.  I can, and I have, lost money because I was playing tired.

What I'll probably do is stop playing after I have 25 or 30 hours, and switch to study time.  I'm going to try very hard to hit at least 30 hours of play, and at least 10 hours of study, every week.  If I feel myself getting tired during a tournament session, I can shut it down and study for a while.

Many very successful players spend half of their time studying, but that's not an option for me.  I have to get my bankroll high enough that I can make a contribution to the family finances.  I can reevaluate after that.

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