Saturday, March 26, 2011

Results for week 3/20-3/26

Administrative  2.25
Study                  12.00
Play                     13.00

As stated in my previous entry, two storms in one week blew a pretty big hole in my poker playing.  I made some of that up with extra study time (I shoot for at least five hours), and studying is the most important thing that I can do.  There are players that spend 50% of their time studying, but I need to spend a plurality of my time playing, at least until my hourly rate is high enough that I can play less and study more. I don't see that happening any time in the near future.  Right now it's all about the benjamins.

Starting bankroll, 3/20  85.10
Ending bankroll, 3/26    85.90

Not a very exciting number, but I'l take it.  I didn't have much time to play, and the 90-player tournaments where I've been making make most of my profit were all but cut out of the week.  I played two of them and didn't cash.  It takes about four hours to win one of those, and trying to work tournaments around storms and storm warnings doesn't leave a lot of multi-hour windows open for playing.

As far as I know, there isn't anything on my schedule today (Sunday) so when I get up in the afternoon, I should be able to hit it hard and get in some serious hours, probably at least ten.  (I track my sessions based on the date that I started playing, so my last Sunday session usually ends sometime Monday morning).

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