Thursday, September 17, 2015

Today's Tournament Confusion

I was ready to play a $50 freezeout at my local charity poker room today.  In fact, I got there almost an hour early.  No one was ready to take my $50 or to stamp my entry slip that I would give to the dealer.  Neither the charity representatives nor the poker staff was ready to do anything.

When I showed up, it was like they had never done this before (the room is open four days a week.)  This was more than a little surprising because when I play in the city of Grand Rapids, 30 miles down the road, they are set up to register players three hours before the start of a tournament.

It took about 10 minutes before they were ready to take my money, and I found out that it was an entirely different type of tournament than I expected.  It was not a freezeout, in fact, there were up to four add-ons available..  I was pretty certain that Thursday had been freeze out tournaments for a long time, and I was told that I was wrong.

The Big Game Room has not updated their web site in six months and there is nothing I can find in writing that tells anything about the tournaments, so I have no way of knowing if I remembered things correctly or not.

More important, as things stand I can walk into the room at any time and find out that something has been changed without warning.  There are no web site updates, nothing is posted in the room, no announcements are made, nothing.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I recently found that the room was closed for a week when I went to play and saw a paper at the door stating that the bowling alley was closed for maintenance.  Contrast that with three of the Grand Rapids rooms (all have the same owner), whose site was updated twice during the week of September 6.

I didn't cash.  I was at perhaps my toughest live table to date.  Six of my eight opponents were final table regulars.  I was happy to have about the same chip stack an hour in as I did when I started.  Eventually an opponent went all-in preflop and he had me covered,  I had trouble putting him on a range and finally decided that it was big pairs and AK (thought I wasn't sure about the AK.)

I called with QQ, he showed KK and that was that.  After I got knocked out I asked him if AK would be in his range in that situation, and he said that he would never call off in that spot with AK.  My read was off, but his answering my questions was a very big deal,

The way he was talking, I'm almost certain that his range was aces and kings.  I didn't really expect him to answer my questions, but some players can't resist talking about poker at the table.  Knowing that his range to shove with an M around 50 is that tight, and that he is prepared to shove that early, I'll be better equipped to play against him the next time.

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