Tuesday, September 22, 2015

41 Days--Filling The Time With Administrative Tasks

I came home tonight and I don't have to go back for a while.  Tomorrow I start my 41 days without having to be a live-in caregiver.  I'm usually a thoughtful, methodical person.  I ponder and analyze my situation and decide what to do next.  I'm even-tempered and don't get rattled or excited easily.  Being even-tempered is a very good thing for a poker player.

I'm not even-tempered right now.  I'm more excited than I've been in a long time.  I finally have some time to concentrate on poker, to study and learn, and to see what I can do when I can finally do my job!

I wish that I could play a live tournament tomorrow, but I'll probably have to wait a day or two, which is OK because I need to study as well.

I said in my previous post that I want to work 50 hours a week, with at least 25 hours playing and at least 15 hours of studying.  That leaves ten hours unaccounted for.

Some of those extra hours could be filled by going deep in a few tournaments.  I want to play three or four times a week, and if I played four times and went deep in all four, that could account for more than 25 hours.  I also could do some extra studying.

Right now however, I need to put in some serious administrative time. I am way behind in my recordkeeping.  I have a lot of data entry to do and I need to upgrade my systems.  I need to build a database that keeps track of everything.  I want to be able to find numbers on everything: buy-ins, add-ons, dealer tips and other tournament expenses.

I also need to upgrade my system for keeping track of other poker expenses such as software, office supplies and poker books.  I need to track my live and online bankrolls, and many other things.  I'm debating whether this should all go in one giant database that I can sort for what I want, or if aspects of my business should just be quantified by simple spreadsheets, which is mostly what I am doing now..

There is one thing that I need to do first before building a database.  I have to learn how.  I'm very comfortable designing and using spreadsheetbeing but I haven't built a database in years.  I need to invest some time in studying Open Office to get familiar with how their database works.

I cerrtainly won't have a problem finding things to do in the next few weeks.  I just have to be disciplined, not let the ADD monster get the best of me, and put in the time to get it done.

During the next 41 days I will track my playing, studying and administrative time and I will post it in this blog, to keep myself on track and to be accountable to my readers and followers.

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