Friday, September 25, 2015

41 Days of Poker--Homefront issues

As much as I would like my life to be all about poker for a while, the world doesn't stop so that I can play poker.  There are always things on the homefront that need to be addressed.  In this case, we have car problems.

My wife and I live very frugally as we work toward putting ourselves in a great position when we retire.  Part of that frugal lifestyle is not having made a car payment for more than ten years.  We pay cash for used cars and keep them for a long time.  We currently have just one car, a 1998 Chevrolet Cavalier, and it won't last much longer.  Our mechanic told us that he wouldn't keep the car for more than six months because the bottom of the car is going to rust out sooner rather than later.

We have been agressively paying down some debt, making more than the minimum payments.  As one one debt gets payed off, the money freed up goes toward the remaining debts.  We might have to change course for a while and divert some of those extra payments to our savings account to pay cash for another used car.

So in the next few months we'll have to do something about another car, but that's wasn't the immediate problem.  I killed a big part of day dealing with the car a couple days ago and I didn't get much poker time in.

I got to sleep at about 0300, then I had to wake up and  my wife to work at 0530.  I unsuccessfully tried to take a nap before taking the care to Firestone at 0900.  I spent at hour at Firestone before I got the verdict, then I had to pick up my wife from work at 1430.

That pretty much ended my poker day before it started,  I asked Firestone to turn off the television in the waiting area, and since I was the only customer at the time they agreed.  I had my Kindle with me, so I got a little study time in going through Secrets of Profession Poker, Volume 2.

When I got home, I took a short nap before picking my wife from work, but I was too tried to concentrate on poker after that.  The studying and the administrative work that I had lined up didn't get done.

I don't work five-day weeks.  I don't take days off.  I try to spend at least a little time on poker every day, even if it's only for a couple hours,  That approach should make it easier to rack up my hours every week.

Tomorrow my loving and very romantic wife will expect me to go out for dinner tomorrow for my 60th birthday.  Being the frugal person that she is, she found a downtown restaurant.that she wants to try that gives free birthday dinners.  How can I turn that down?

This partial week got disrupted, but my first full Sunday through Saturday week starts two days from now.  I'll do my best to make sure that I put every one of my 50 work hours to good use.

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