Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Another 30-minute Tournament

Well, I can say one thing about the evolution of my poker strategy.  I'm definitely not the cautious, timid player who played too few hands and tried to hang on for the final table.  Once again, a big hand in the first hour knocked me out.

I was dealt AK and the flop was AKJ.  No cards came that hit a straight draw and myself and another player wound up all-in on the river, where my top two pair lost to villian's set of jacks.  I'm more than a little concerned about my bankroll.  That was the only tournament I played while not on caregiver duty, in line with my previous discussion about babying my bankroll.  Dropping $60 on a weekend is a lot less scary that dropping $120.

Next week there are two days that I can play, and it will be in either Grand Rapids for $45 or in Muskegon for $50.  When you figure in the gas, the costs are about the same.  The most important thing is that playing just one tournament a week and keeping the cost down will keep my bankroll alive until I can get back on the winning track again.

On September 23 everything changes and I will have a lot more chances to play and some interesting choices to make.  More on that in my next post.

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