Monday, July 2, 2012

Results for week 6/24-6/30, and no more fat Clif

I apologize for the length of this post.  A lot is going on, and I'm making a lot of changes to put myself in a better position to grow a bankroll and generate a regular income from poker.  Today there seems to be a lot to talk about.

Last week I messed up some tournaments at the end because I just got too tired.  I'm overweight (almost 50 pounds more than I was at age 30) out of shape, and I tire easily.  I used to be really good at handling heat, in fact, it was nothing for me to go out and run a few miles when it was sunny and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Now I can barely play several hours of poker when it's hot--we are in the middle of a heat wave, with highs between 88 and 90 expected the rest of the week, and I don't benefit from the air conditioing when I close the office door.   I messed up a few tournaments, which cost me at least $15 (the entry fees that went down the drain when I was close to cashing) plus whatever I might have won if I had played deeper into the tournaments.

I know that I'm 56 years old, but people older than I run marathons.  I ran a marathon, and I would like to do it again, maybe eventually aiming for a qualifying time to get in the Boston Marathon.  Being out of shape is costing me money, and I'm not going to let that happen any more.

I'm now weighing myself weekly.  I was 191.3 pounds two weeks ago, 188.8 last week, and 188.3 this week.  That doesn't sound like much, but I've been in shape, and I know what I have to do to get back in shape.  I can lose two pounds a week if I work at it.  Right now I'm only dieting, but I'll get back to running and working out, and those pounds should start falling off.

Because my wretched physical condition is directly affecting my income, I will be posting my weight loss results and other relevant information from time to time.  Now, enough about fat Clif, and on to the numbers.

Work Hours 6/24-6/30
15.25  tournaments
  3.25  study
  7.25  administrative

I can always work harder.  I constantly battle the effects of ADD.  It's just so easy to get up from my desk and get a drink, get distraced by the TV or something else, and lose an hour or two.  I'm always on guard, and I don't do that kind of thing nearly as often as I once did, but I must always be vigilant.

But as far as the 50 hours a week I would like to get, I think I'll have to aim for 40, and that might be a stretch.  There were some questions about passports, but I now know that my son and his family will all be in Germany around the end of the month, and my son will be stationed there with the army for three years.  Spending time with my son, his wife, and our grandchildren will of course be a priority.  I'll aim for 40 hours a week this month, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't make it.

I'm still very concerned about my study time, and that has to be fixed.  I'm going to block out a few hours tomorrow, before I play a hand of poker, to read and study Secrets of Professional Tournament Poker, by Johnathan Little.  It's definitely helping me in multitable tournaments, and a complete change in how I approach poker is well underway.

Even so, the content is so dense that I regularly find myself in certain tournament situations, and thinking, "What was it that he said to do in this spot?"  It's a lot to remember, and some of it I'll really have to sit down and think about.  I'm about halfway through my third reading, but it's basically a poker textbook that I need to read and study over and over before I can understand and apply all of it.

By the way, that's only SOPTP volume 1.  Volume 2 is out, and the author is gathering material for volume 3.

Poker Profit or Loss, 6/24-6/30
$1.70  tournaments
  2.14  rakeback
  0.00  bonus

I didn't get my hours in, I messed up several tournaments, and those things are reflected in my results.  I didn't clear any of my bonus because I didn't play enough.  Rakeback numbers come out on Wednesday, and that amount will probably be less than $2, for the same reason.

Still, even though this week was a mess, the results for the month, which I will post tomorrow, are a lot more encouraging.  For the one partial week plus the four full weeks in June, I made money in four of the five.  So I'm not overly discouraged about last week numbers, except that I know it's partly due to letting myself get fat, tried, and out of shape.  That will be fixed.

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