Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nothing very exciting the last few days.

Sometime I marvel at how people don't understand the implications of their ideas.  I watched a time-lapse video of earth and space, taken from the International Space Station, which I have seen pass overhead twice this year.  I went down to the comments, and someone said, of the videos of earth, that all of that light pollution was a terrible waste.

This was my response:

Yes, we need to reexamine all the silly reasons that we use to justify needing so much light, for example, so that we can be productive day or night, or so bears/snakes/other animals don't sneak up on us in the dark. Getting rid of all that light pollution will make life better, like it was in the good old days of A.D. 1700.


The last few days have been pretty uneventful.  After playing and not cashing in a bunch of MTTs on Monday and Tuesday, I've been grinding the DONs (double-or-nothing SNGs) for most of the week, with pretty good success, putting me about even for the week.  I'm going to spend a lot of my time today starting my fourth reading of Secrets of Professional Tournament Poker, by Johnathan Little.

I need to start working more on playing the number of hands that Little suggests, and from the places and in the situations that he suggests.  Usually when I read a book and then try to incorporate the author's suggestions into my game, I try to do it almost exactly as the author suggests.

After I've done that for a while, I can see how it works in the games I play, and how comfortable I am with everything.  Then I can make any necessary adjustments for my skill set, abilities and situation.  In this case, the changes are so big, and there are so many things to remember when playing a certain set of hands (my table image, villian's range of hands, tournament situation and stack sizes, to name a a few) that I'm going to have to chart it.

So I'm going to do a fairly fast readthrough, not really studying this time.  I just want to find all of those hand lists and charts, write it all down, make it into a few cheat sheets, and type it all up so that I can refer to it while I play.

I'm not sure how long all that will take, because I'm not even sure how long the book is.  One of the disconcerting  things about using a Kindle is that some of the books don't have page numbers.  When I push a button and it says something like "Location 2076 of 3214," all that tells me is that I am almost 2/3 of the way through the book, however long it is.

 It's 2:53 P.M. now, and I was going to play a small MTT at 4 P.M., and a large one at 8 P.M.  I'm going to reexamine the structures of those tournaments, and I might drop one or both of them so that I can put in some more time digging the information out of the book.

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