Sunday, July 1, 2012

My work schedule

I'm didn't get the 50 hours that I wanted to work last week.  I didn't even get 40.  I try to be dilligent.  I stopped following a lot of TV shows that I really like.  The shows that I still watch, I usually catch on demand, when I'm too tired to play any more without spewing money.  But last week I forgot that, among other things, one of my granddaughters (age 5) would be staying with us overnight.  She was here with us, for over 24 hours, a few days ago.

I'm always surprised at how hard it is to protect my time.  I had this crazy idea that my time would be my own, and that I could work whenever I wanted--40, 50, or even 60 hours a week.  So far it's not working out that way at all.

When you have a job outside the home, with regular hours, the situation is different.  We picked up my granddaughter after my wife got off work, and my wife took the next day off as a paid vacation day.  It doesn't work that way for me.

There could be a lot of things going on that will cut into my poker time in the near future.  We plan to have each of our other two granddaughters here overnight in the next couple weeks, and have them all together once.  My youngest son is in the army, and his family will be moving to Germany in July.

There is also a possibility that we might be moving very soon.  It's a local move, and we know where we are moving.  We just don't know when, because we don't know when the owners will be vacating the house, other than sometime this year but as soon as possible.

It seems that the more I try to get control of my time, the less control I in fact have.  When I don't get my time in, there always seems to be a good reason, but at some point reasons become excuses.  I have to find a way to make those 50 hour weeks happen.

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