Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thoughts on Recent Topics

Thoughts on topics covered in recent posts:

1.  Total weekly study hours.  I might have to accept racking up fewer study hours during the rest of the year and add some administrative time to my schedule.  I track my poker time in three categories:  playing, studying and administrative (a catch-all for everything that is not studying or playing.)  I want to improve my recordkeeping system for next year.  I also want to make better use of the spreadsheet tools so that I can put my results on graphs and post those graphs in this blog.  I also want to track the financials, both income and expenses, more efficiently.

2.  Total weekly work hours.  My total work hours might fall short of 40 hours per week for the rest of the year.  Church and family activities around the Christmas season will eat into some of my time.  Also, the snow is hitting us pretty hard, which means I am and will be spending significant time dealing with the snow.  We've been in a winter storm watch or warning several days in a row.

3.  Not getting enough sleep.  I think that part of the reason for my lack of energy and not sleeping well is because I haven't been keeping myself in shape.  Until a few months ago I was running at least every other day as well as doing push-ups, sit-ups and other exercises every day.  Now I've become a coach and office chair potato.

If I get my act together I should easily drop 30 pounds next year, from my current 180 to 150, and I know that I will feel a lot better than I do now.  I have run one marathon (I weighed 140 then) and a lot of shorter races of between 3 and 15 miles.  I know what it takes to get in shape and I have no excuse for not doing it.

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