Saturday, December 9, 2017

Sometimes Everything Goes Wrong

I said in yesterday's post that I often have trouble getting to sleep.  I also said that I shouldn't have any problem getting my 40 hours in this week. Some of that plan is going well  Other parts are a mess.

My wife knew that I was scrambling to get hours and playing time in this week.  Even though my granddaughter was here, my wife suggested that I talk a nap before I played the 1829 tournament.

I put earplugs in and went to bed.  About an hour it was obvious that I wasn't going to be able to sleep, so I got back up.

Strike one!

I tired again an hour or so later. I got some sleep. woke up at 2255, and felt pretty good about the upcoming tournament.  Granddaughter was sleep in a recliner.

I played the tournament and half an hour in, I had one of those hands that "plays itself" because both players have a hand that is too good to fold.

On a very wet board I flopped a backdoor flush draw and open-end straight draw (which was also the nut straight draw.)  Villain bet and I called.  On the turn I flopped the second nut flush draw.

This was an easy decision.   I had a boatload of outs.  I was in 10th place with 8 cashing, so if I folded I had a decent chance to make some money.  If I won the hand villain would be knocked out, we would be down to nine players and I would be in second place with a great chance for a big cash.  You never ignore any reasonable chance to move into the top three.

All the chips went in, and the ace of diamonds hit the board, giving villain the nut flush. I was out in 31st place.

Strike two!

So, here I am a little past midnight and the only thing on my list that I can accomplish is to hit my weekly numeric goals.  I need to work 9.75 hours today to get to my 40 for the week.  I would like to play one or both of my tournaments tonight, but study comes first.  The study hours are just too important.

For the next 12 hours I'll either be spending time with my granddaughter or studying.  There isn't time for anything else.  To get my study in I will have to plan carefully.  I did some math and it comes down to this:

If I wind up with 40 hours total, at least 25% of that time, or 10 hours, needs to be study.  I'm only at 3.25 study hours now, so if all I do is study I'll be in good shape.  If playing one or both tournaments puts me over 40 hours, then my study time today would have to be more than that, at least seven hours.

The bottom line is that I front-loaded my weekly schedule to get hours in, but too few of those hours were study.  I will watch that next week.


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