Thursday, November 30, 2017

Weak (short-term) Results but Continued Improvement

I can tell that I continue to get better.  Not because of results, but because of the things that I'm thinking about.  My results for this month, which I will post tomorrow, were positive but not great, but it's kind of silly to worry about a month anyway.  I have to have some way to note my progress and a month is as good a benchmark as any.  No one is going to read this if I post my results once a year.

I let myself get discouraged at the number of things that I don't know about poker (see previous post) but just the fact that I'm thinking about all of these new things puts me way ahead of where I was at the beginning of this year.

I think that the process is in many ways the same in most professions or pursuits.  My oldest granddaughter (age 10) just started playing the flute.  She can make a pretty good sound and play the right notes of a very simple song.  She's happy with that, as she should be.  If she continues to play, she will learn about scales, then she will learn that scales are played in different keys.  Then she will learn about major and minor scales, then about harmonic minor and melodic minor.  If she keeps playing for several years, at some point she might learn about pentatonic and modal scales.

There is always more to learn in poker, in music, and in life.  I can't allow myself to get frustrated by the process.

Now I have one more problem.  I would like to tell my granddaughter that I mentioned her in my blog, but that would probably be a mistake.  She would want to read the post and I don't want to fry her brain when I try to explain what modal scales are.

As always, your questions and comments are welcome (see box below.)

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