Friday, November 24, 2017

What I'm Doing Right, What I'm Doing Wrong, and What I Can't Control

As it gets close to the end of the year, I've been thinking about how I've done in my quest to set myself up for a profitable 2018.  I'm going to put up a series of posts on the good, the bad and the ugly of what I've accomplished, or not accomplished, this year.

I'm doing this for two reasons:

1.  I need to analyze what worked and why it worked.  I also need to analyze what didn't work and figure out what to do differently  There is always something in the process that can be improved.

I watched a Jonathan Little coaching video yesterday.  Little is one of the top players in the world, but in the video he ticked off a list of several facets of his play that he needs to improve.  The process for being a great poker player is probably not all that different than the process for becoming a great musician, or doctor, or athlete or parent.  In each case, the best are always work on improving their skills.

2. I need to post more often. I would love to post every day, but when I play poker online in my home office, there usually is nothing exciting happening.

I have learned to be more aggressive and open a lot more pots, especially from early position.  Even so, in many of my tournaments I only play about 20% of my hands.  I once played a live tournament where I was so card dead that I folded every hand for the first hour.  It's hard to come up with an interesting post when things like that happen.

While examining the process and outcomes, I'll be posting on that topic often, but it's won't be the only topic.  There will be other things to talk about and I will mix process posts in from time to time.  I like lists and milestones and I hope to very soon post that my bankroll on Juicy Stakes Poker is over $300.  The current balance is $276.92.

As always, your questions and comments are welcome. The comment box is directly below this post.  If you don't understand my use of poker terminology you can ask, or go here:

Every year a lot of new poker terms or acronyms are coined.  Don't be discouraged if what you want to know is not in Wikipedia.  Just post your question.

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