Tuesday, May 7, 2013

April 2013--Brief Summary And Addtional Information

There is a lot going on, and a lot of new things are happening.  I apologize for not posting in the last 11 days.  You'll understand why as you continue reading.

First, the money part.  Even though my hours are down, I'm slowly but surely grinding my bankroll up.  It's now at $135.50, getting closer to the $165 that I want before I move up to $3.30 SNGs.

I recently changed my time goals from working at poker at least 40 hours a week to 105 hours a month (25 hours a week times 4.2 weeks per month.)  I didn't hit that either, finishing with 96 hours in April.  My profit was $25.58, which I can't be unhappy with, considering how few hours I worked.

It will probably be even fewer hours this month.  There are still four of us taking turns spending time with my mother-in-law, but it's turning into a situation where eventually I will have to be the lead person.  My wife and her brother have full-time jobs outside the home, and they show signs of getting burned out already.  Besides being in the rotation, my wife is handling all of the medical issues, and my brother-in-law is handling all the money issues, including writing all of his mother's checks.

That leaves my sister-in-law and I.  My sister-in-law has physical limitations and as this situation continues, more will probably fall on me, and that's as it should be.  I usually don't like being Available Guy, but this is what you do for family.  Also, there are financial reasons why it makes sense for me to take more of this on myself.

First, I'm protecting the two people that have full-time jobs outside the home.  They both make significant incomes, that must be protected.  I'm not making much yet, and my sister-in-law is physically limited and can't work much, so the two breadwinners have to be protected from burning out.  Also, if we can keep this going (at least until winter, which is the current plan) we will save my mother-in-law thousands of dollars that she would otherwise have to be spent for assisted living.  A lot of money is on the line if I don't hold up my end.

So, no more predictions about my hours. To add to everything else, I have to take my computer into the shop tonight, so I won't get to play at all for possibly a week or more. I'll do what I can and try to get a lot of studying done.  I'll get my bankroll up, but it might take a while.

I said that a lot has happened, but this is already getting long, so I'll end with a preview of future posts:

There are two pieces of very good news:

1. The first explicitly legal and regulated online poker has been dealt in Nevada, and other states are taking a close look.

2. Holdem Manager 2 will be working with America's Cardroom soon.

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