Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Results for November 4-10

Last week was one of my worst ever.  I'm not talking about the numbers.  I just didn't play well.  I was putting myself in way too many bad situations.  My main problem was not having a plan for the entire hand before I would bet.

Way too many times I would make an intial bet, play the hand, and suddenly I was down to such a small chip stack that my only choices were all-in or fold, and I shoved way too often.  I probably booted at least five $5 tournaments where I could have had a decent chance of cashing.

Fortunately, I did have one tournament that went well, 3rd of 52 for a cash of $36.22 (net $26.92.)  That kept the week from being a total train wreck.  When entering a pot, having a plan for the entire hand is basic.  I think I was just tired, nentally and physically.  I took a day and a half off, and I've felt a lot better since.

Poker Hours
19.25   Play
  7.75   Study
  3.25   Administrative
30.25   Total Hours

Profit or Loss
-$25.63   Tournaments
     0.99   Rakeback
     0.00   Bonus

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