Sunday, November 18, 2012

Results for Novermber 11-17

In my previous post I had the wrong month in the post title.  My wife caught it, and it has been fixed.

Until I signed on to write this post, I had no idea that I had not posted since my previous weekly results..  I'm ending the weekly posts anyway. A week is such a short period of time, and poker is so much about the long term, that it's silly to even talk about results in such a short-term context.

I'm going to post about whatever is on my mind that day, and I'll try to do it more frequently.  That could involve how I did that day or week, or what I'm thinking about in general, but the formal weekly posts are out.  The results posts will be monthly from now on.

Your comments or questions are always welcome.


It was once again a close to break-even week  Nothing dramatic, just a few small cashes that didn't quite make up for the times I didn't cash..  Here are the numbers:

Poker Profit or Loss
-$14.67   tournaments
     1.66   rakeback
     1.00   bonus

Poker Hours
28.00   play
  8.25   study
  4.50   administrative

That's two out of three weeks that I put in at least 40 hours, which shows that I'm starting to get control of my time and my schedule.  But there is always room for improvement.  I need to get more serious about hitting my weekly goals of at least 25 hours of play and 15 hours of study.  I have to start hitting that study number--I don't think I've done it yet.

As does any player, I have my strengths (tenacity and very high intelligence) and weaknesses (problems moving information from short-term to long-term memory, and all the issues that go with having ADD.)  Poker is like just about anything else--the people that make it to the top are usually the ones that work the hardest to get there.  The best players study, a lot, and I need to take that more seriously.

Once I'm meeting my play and study goals, I'll set new goals for my total hours, probably 45 hours per week.  My 25 play hours and 15 study hours would already add up to 40, and I will always need at least an hour or two of administrative time.  If I take care of the smaller goals, the 45 hours should be there.

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