Thursday, November 1, 2012

Results for October, 2012

October 2012 Poker Profit or Loss
-$30.91   October 1-6 (partial week)
  -43.54   October 7-13
   70.25    October 14-20
      2.91    October 21-27
    -9.54    October 28-32 (partial week)

Considering how the month started (down $74.45 in the first 13 days) I can live with being down just $10.83 at the end of the month.  It's nice to know that I can weather a big downswing relative to my bankroll and not lose focus.

The priority now is to get my bankroll up to where two losing weeks (or months) isn't a big deal.  That majic number hasn't changed, it's still $500 (about 100 buy-ins).  Standard bankroll management recommends at least 200 buy-ins when using poker winnings to pay the bills, but I have to take one step at a time:  get to $500, take a breath, then figure out the next step.

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