Thursday, September 13, 2012

Studying poker

The latest poker book that I have been reading and studying is Secrets of Professional Tournament Poker, volume 1, by Johnathan Little, the World Poker Tour Player of the Year for season six.

I've read the book a few times, and now I'm going through it again,  this time taking notes on things that I need to study more deeply.  I'm learning more and more how many things I don't know.  There are a lot of holes in my game.

Most of these holes I already knew about, sort of.  What I didn't realize was what a difference it will make if I fix them.  One problem is that I'm folding too much in late position.  I'm much better at being aggressive from late position (form any position really) but it seems I don't have much feel or knowledge when it comes to calling from late position.  I'm folding way too often, when I should be calling even if I have a bad hand.  (One reason that I should be calling more often is that the advantage of being last to act significantly lessens the disadvantage of probably having the worst hand.)

To put it bluntly, as I struggle to build a poker career, I'm finding out that in a lot of ways I'm not nearly as good as I thought I was.  There is a lot more math that I need to know, and a lot more mathematical situations that I need to understand.  I have a ton of memory work to do for different situations, for example, how much equity does QJ suited have against my opponent's range?  Against two random hands?  Three random hands?  I need to know this, if not for every card combination, at least for enough of them that I can extrapolate to the ones that I don't have memorized.

There is always something to work on.  I have abandoned the study of poker tells since I'm not playing live right now.  I have to get back to that sometime.

I could go on, but the point is that I have to make study a higher priority.  Therefore, my goal is no longer to study for 10 hours and play for 30 hours every week.  My new weekly goal is to study at last 15 hours a week and play at least 25 hours. The more that I study poker, and the more that I read about how other players study poker, I know that 10 hours a week isn't going to get the job done.

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