Sunday, September 16, 2012

Another week saved at the end

Near the end of the week it looked like I would wind up in the red.  A week isn't that big a deal (and I can't let it be, as that kind of short-term thinking can lead to nothing but trouble) but I'm tired of treading water and not getting anwhere.  I want to get my bankroll built up sooner rather than later.  I pulled it off in my last three tournaments of the week:

$1.65 buy-in, 9 players, 1st place, cash of $6.75.
$1.65 buy-in, 6 players, 1st place, cash of $5.95.
$5.50 buy-in, 100 players, 1st place, cash of $138.00.

I have been lurking at or near the final table in a lot of tournaments with around 100 players, including finishing 2nd of 131 on September 3.  I haven't taken one down in a while, and it feels really good.  It's certainly more profitable than finishing second--in this case, the difference between first and second place was around $50.

It was quite a battle, especially the heads-up. where first I was up, then he was, back and forth for over an hour.  The hand that won it for me had us both showing top pair (eights) but I had the better kicker.

Profit or Loss, 9/9-9/15
Tournaments $45.45
Rakeback            0.81
Bonus                  1.00


I'm not thrilled with these numbers, but 29 is the most hours I've worked since August 5-11. so I'll take it.  I'm getting my life back and organized again, and I hope to get my 40 hours in next week, incluing at least 15 hours of study (see my previous two posts concerning the need for a increased emphasis on study.)

I'm more than a third of the way throught the latest reread of my poker book (also discussed in the previous posts), writing down things on which I need to spend some serious study time.  I'll be getting volume 2 as a birthday present  this month.  There is always something to study or work on.

Work Hours, 9/9-9/15
Tournaments      22.00
Study                      3.00
Adminstrative      4.00

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