Sunday, June 10, 2018

May 2018 Results

This will be one of my shortest posts.  I didn't play much so there isn't much to tell.  I did some studying but that's all.  The reasons:

I had big computer problems.  I spent several days trying to figure it out and I couldn't.

I took the computer in and got it back five days later.  Things still weren't right.

I ordered a new computer.

After the computer came I spent several days trying to figure out how to set it up.    It was a different operating system and there were other things that I had never seen before.

I took both computers into the shop so that they could move the information from the old computer to the new one and set everything up for me.  They had the computer for five days.

When I got the computer back there were a lot of weird glitches.  For example, the HUD wasn't working correctly and the virtual poker table randomly changed sizes from time to time.  I found out that I was supposed to back up my poker database and I didn't do that.  That took several days to solve.

Oh, one other little thing.   I was in a jury pool for a high-profile murder trial.

Here are the results for May:

May 2018
4 net win tournaments +$17.80
6 net loss tournaments -$14.60

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