Tuesday, August 1, 2017

July Poker Results

I'll start with the numbers:

Juicy Stakes Poker, July 2017
37 tournaments played
14 net win tournaments,   +$64.29
23 net loss tournaments,   -$38.35

Americas Cardroom, July 2017
4 tournaments played
1 net win tournament,    +$0.19
3 net loss tournaments,   -$0.55

Combined results for July 2017: +$25.58

The current situation:

As poker is a game of winning and losing streaks, I suppose that any winning month is a good month, but I have to do better.  I need to start putting some $50+ months together.  I need to have more than $500 on Juicy Stakes Poker by the end of the year, so that I am eligible to make a withdrawal if needed.

Money right now is just too tight, in both the poker and household budgets.  We got behind the 8-ball when we moved out of our old house later than planned and didn't get our security deposit back. Our landlord said OK when we asked for more time to move.  We had no idea that the security deposit was at risk.  That wasn't the only surprise when we moved, but it was a big one.

We actually have a decent net worth but almost all of our money is in retirement accounts.  We're cash poor right now and it's taking a lot more time to dig out than we thought it would.  My wife is putting in a lot of overtime right now and I need to do the same.  I guess the couple that grinds together stays together.

Juicy Stakes Poker:

I know that the small numbers must look strange to most of you. The explanation follows:

I am on the horns of a dilemma, a classic short-term vs. long term problem. Things on Juicy Stakes Poker, which by all accounts is the far inferior site, are going reasonably well.  Americas Cardroom is a different story.  I'm -$35.45 for the year.

That's not exactly shocking.  Variance happens and losing $35 isn't the end of the world--but it puts me in a bind because:

1. My Americas Cardroom bankroll (money on the site) is $0.98.  It's hard to do much with that.

2. There is only one tournament that I can afford to play. The buy-in is $0.11.

3. I need to have as many options as possible, which means two online sites and adding live poker next year.

3. The best tournament on Juicy Stakes poker starts at 1829. The 11-cent tournament on Americas Cardroom starts at 1915.  They overlap and I can't play both.  I would have to play the 11-cent tournament a lot of times to build any kind of bankroll.  I miss out on a lot of equity when I'm not playing at 1829.

When I started playing poker I knew that it wasn't going to be an easy way to make money.  That doesn't make facing the reality any easier.

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