Sunday, December 4, 2016

I Failed

I didn't get my hours in last week.  I didn't even get close.  My goal is 40-50 work hours per week.  As stated previously, I had several jobs where I worked a lot of voluntary overtime, so this shouldn't be a big deal.  Last week I let it get away from me.  I worked a total of 25.5 hours.

No one was dying.  No one in my family was hospitalized.  I wasn't sick.  There was no emergency.  I have no excuse.  There were things, mostly involving family, that I allowed to get in the way.  The leaves had to be raked before it started snowing.  A family member needed a ride to work.  Things like that.  Too many things.

To some extent all of the things that had to be done were important, but again, there is no way that my wife would have bailed out on her job to do those things.  Once again, I was Available Guy.  By Thursday, I was way behind in my hours.  By late Friday night there were not enough hours left in the week for me to hit 40.  I worked a few hours on Saturday, but I took most of the day off.  I was upset and not fit to risk money at the table or to attempt learning anything.

Here are my hours for last week:

Playing poker, 18.5 hours, 73%
Study, 5.5 hours, 22%
Administrative: 1.5 hours, 6%

I'm not thrilled that I missed my study goal of 25%, but I'm really upset about the total hours.  In a previous post I mentioned that when I play live tournaments I turn my phone off, and that I was thinking about doing that when I'm working at home.  I'm seriously considering that again.

I'm going to try hard to pile up hours early in the week so that I'm not scrambling later in the week to catch up.  Perhaps sometime soon I'll start posting my financial results, but that's secondary right now.  As always, it's about the process.  If I don't put in the hours at the tables and put in my study time the results won't be there.  If I'm in a hand with someone who studies ten hours a week and I only study for five hours, he has an edge.  I need to be the one with an edge.

Most of all, I'm trying to get everything in place, including doing a lot of studying in areas where I'm weak, so that I'm ready to hit the ground running in 2017.

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