Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Taking Your Job Too Seriously

With playing poker, as with any other job, there are people that take their job seriously.  But there is a point at which you take your job a little too seriously.  Someone posted the following on 2+2:

I guess it's no surprise that poker room people are possibly the most callous people on earth, but I was a little shocked at these events.

I'm walking into the room as I approach the brush stand*, there is a loud noise. A guy next to the cage just collapsed and hit the half wall on the way down. He is completely motionless and I thought it was a good chance he just dropped dead.

The brush looks at me and says what game. I say, "Use the mic and call for a doctor." He acted embarrassed at having to do so calling for a doctor in the room. 

The in house paramedics arrive about 2 minutes later and the guy has still not moved an inch. I see the paramedic lumbering down the hall and I have walked faster crossing a street while a car is waiting for me to cross.

Meanwhile, I look up and every game in the room is still dealing new hands. The guy finally comes to, thankfully. But it was just wierd.

*aka registration desk.  I had to Google the term, which was more difficult than I expected.  It has multiple meanings, depending on the context.  Adding the word "poker" as a search term didn't nail it down because "brush stand" can mean the stand holding a fireplace poker.)

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