Sunday, May 26, 2013

An Example of When Studying Matters

My bankroll has been inching up toward the $165 (50 buy-ins) that I feel I need to move up to $3.30 SNGs.  But while that's been going on, I've been increasingly uneasy about not playing any MTTs, even though I'm not quite bankrolled to do it.

I'm still studying almost every day, even if my hours are necessarily more limited than was the case a few months ago.  Nearly all of that study is geared toward MTTs, but I have been getting no chance to practice what I learn.

I finally decided to play one or two MTTs a week, just to keep in practice, and to better understand how the things that I'm learning apply in actual tournaments.  I was going to wait to play against a large field of 1,000 or so entries tonight, but I got antsy and played a small one (51 players) yesterday morning.  Entry was $5.50 and I finished 4th of 51 for a cash of $24.22 (net $18.72) which puts my bankroll at $153.31, very close to the $165 bankroll I've been aiming for.

One of the things that I learned from all that studying was largely responsible for my success in that tournament.  A few months ago, I asked Johnathan Little about something in his book, Secrets of Professional Tournament Poker, Volume 1.  Here is the question that I posted on the 2+2 forums on December 31:

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Poker And Technology

I'm still fighting with Holdem Manager.  After once again going through a list of disagnostic steps from one of their techs, I found a problem in one the Windows Services settings, but I don't know what to do to fix it.  Once again, I'm waiting for a response to another of my "what do I do now?" forum posts.  I'm spending so much time messing with Holdem Manager that I'm barely playing.

I was studying yesterday, doing my first readthrough of a new poker book, and it mentioned some of the tools that poker players use to study.  It really hit me how dependent poker players are on technology:

1. Being a successful poker player is, at least in part, a technology arms race.  If you can't compete, you're at a serious disadvantage.

2. If you're don't use technology, even if you're a strictly live player, you have almost no chance to be successful.

A lot of studying is done on online poker forums, or using digital tools. Those tools include:  poker equity calculators, databases, player blogs, player ranking sites, and online videos (or live streaming) of poker tournaments. A year ago I purchased my poker books at Barnes and Noble.  Now I get them at, sent to my Kindle via wireless connection, often after reading online reviews of the book.

As far as actual play online, of course a computer is necessary.  But some players go way beyond that.  There are online players that play 30 or more simultaneous games or tournaments, on multiple monitors, with a mouse specially designed for poker players.  A few have massively redundant systems in place in case something goes down: multiple ISPs, cable and satellite connections, backup power supplies, and a generator.

That may seem ridiculous, but for some players, it's really not.  An online pro who plays in several big events (such as the World Championship of Online Poker) every year is literally playing for millions of dollars.

By now, some of you might be thinking that, especially for a live player who plays only at his local casino, most of this isn't necessary.  That's not really true.  Sure, if Joe wants to study before his next trip to the casino, he can still get a poker book at Barnes and Noble.  But those books rapidly become outdated.

My latest book states that at the highest levels, poker lines and strategies change every three months or so, and that if you don't keep up, you're at a disadvantage.  The only way to keep up with that rate of change is by keeping up with the poker forums and other online information.

Finally, I haven't mentioned one the most important poker tools--Google.  It's increasingly common for players to scout each other online.

I hate all the time that I spend trying to manage Holdem Manager and other poker technology.  But I have no choice.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Time to tackle the BIG problem.

I made some headway with Holdem Manager.  I can download and install it,  but I have a few more things to work on.

I played several SNGs yesterday, and did reasonably well.

I'm chipping away at reducing the clutter in my office.  I'm naturally disorganized as it is and I don't need a mess in my office making it worse.  I need more empty space, especially when my loyal poker cat Vanessa decides to stretch out and take a nap on the desk

There is one problem that keeps getting bigger--me.  On my 30th birthday I weighed about 140.  A few days ago I weighed an all-time high of 194 pounds.  I don't look right, I don't feel right, my clothes don't fit, and my energy level is way below where it should be.  If I don't have the energy to play poker (or do anything else), the other things don't matter very much.

I've cut back a little on what I'm eating, but I've been here before (at least within a few pounds) and I know my body well enough to know that dieting doesn't do much for me.  If I run every day, the pounds fall off.  If I stick with the running, and increase the mileage as it becomes comfortable again, I'll be losing ten pounds a month by fall, while eating whatever I want.

I once ran a marathon.  80-year-olds run marathons.  I'm 57, and today it was hard work to run one mile.  I will never let myself go like this again.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

More Problems With Holdem Manager

I spent time with my mother-in-law today.  That went well, but it was all downhill after that.

I came home, played one SNG, then started working on the Holdem Manager issue.

I finally decided that it was best to delete everything that I had done before, and do a clean install of Holdem Manager 2 with a new, empty database.  I managed to get all of the old stuff deleted, but I had problems after that.

I went to the Holdem Manager web site, and I couldn't figure out how to do the download.  None of the options seem to fit.  I didn't need to pay for the upgrade from HM1 to HM2, I already did that.  I didn't need a free trial.  I finally posted my question on the Holdem Manager thread in the 2+2 poker forums.

After I played that SNG (2nd place) I checked back, and there was a link for the download and installation.  That went OK, but now I can't figure out how to do anything--even though I used an earlier version of the same program a couple years ago.

The program has a lot of bells and whistles and functionality, or so it seems, including free poker coaching videos.  But like Facebook and a lot of other recent technology, it is neither logical nor intuitive.  I was expecting a way to designate the site on which I play, such as a dropdown list, but there was nothing.  Nowhere in the program can I find a list of the supported poker sites, even though there is such a list on their web site.

Also, there was something in the program that I was trying to figure out, and I was directed to set up an account.  Why?  I already paid for the program.  It is registered, and I have a license number. Why should I have to do something else to get the full functionality of the program?  That makes no sense, and anyway, I couldn't figure out what I would gain by setting up that account.

I put my newest question (how to designate a poker site) up a couple of hours ago.  There is no answer yet, so I guess I'll get back at it tomorrow.  I have to get this thing solved somehow.  I just checked my records, and I have played exactly two SNGs this month.  One on the 14th, when I got my computer back, and one today.

Now it's 11 P.M. and I'm tired (I've been sticking with getting up fairly early every morning.)  I didn't get very far with Holdem Manager, and I played one SNG for a profit of $2.40.  Not exactly a productive day.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Feel Stupid, Frustrated, and Angry

Feel free to skip, or quickly skim, most of the blue text in this post if you wish.

I should be blogging more often, but there hasn't been much to say.  My computer was in the shop for a while, and now I have it back.  But while my computer was in the shop, something good happened.

Holdem Manager, my tracking program, now works on the site where I play.  The program tracks every hand that I play online and keeps a boatload of statistics on everything that happens.  For example, if I want to know what percentage of the time a certain player raises, then folds to a reraise, there is a statistic for that--and I can see it on a HUD (heads-up display) while I'm playing.

This is a very big deal for me, because I have a lot of trouble moving information from short-term to long term memory.  I understand strategic concepts easily, but remembering small details is very difficult.  Some players can remember important hands that they played 10 years ago.  I can not tell you the details of one hand that I ever played.

Tracking software helps me to reduce that disadvantage.  I can see statistics on other players, so even if I don't remember any details, I at least have an idea how they play.  Perhaps more important, some of those players are tracking me, which puts me at a great disadvantage when I don't have that capability.

I tried to upgrade from Holdem Manager 1 (which is being phased out) to Holdem Manager 2 (which works with Americas Cardroom, the site on which I play.)  I was unable to successfully install the software.

I sent mail to the folks at HM2, they asked me to send them a crash log, and I did that.  Here is what I got back:

This email was sent because we received a crash log from you recently. I am sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with Holdem Manager but If you follow these instructions below it should fix the issue.

Solution Instructions:
Step 1: Restore Default Settings:
First try restoring your default settings, often some settings files can become corrupt and cause these issues:
NB: If this step is successful it is very import you send us the backup files as detailed in no.2 of that FAQ otherwise the problem may come back and we need those files to reproduce it and fix permanently.

Step 2: Set files to run as administrator
1 - Go to C:\Program Files\Holdem Manager 2 (Program Files (x86) for the 64bit version)
2 - Right click the HoldemManager.exe and choose "Properties".
3 - Go to the Compatibility Tab and select "Run this program as an Administrator"
4 - Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for HudFuncsApp.exe, ThirtyTwoBitIPC.exe and tablescannerdllloader.exe

If this option is greyed out it is because the UAC is disabled.
Enable UAC -
Reboot and complete Step 3 and 4.
UAC can be turned off again if desired.

Step 3: Update Windows
Often the issue can be caused by a conflict with another program or utility on your PC. Windows may have released an update to fix this issue. See here for details on how to run windows update -
It is important to make sure to check windows update after it completes the previous update to make sure it says "No More Critical Updates Available" because it often does the updates in stages and does not always complete them all at once.

Step 4: Uninstall and reinstall HM2 with Revo uninstaller:
Other times critical system files may not have been installed on previous updates and it can also cause these types of errors or in some cases antiviruses may have removed files that it mistook for unsafe. Doing a revo uninstall also removes old registry file information which might have become corrupt. You can download the free version here: and there is a useful tutorial how to use it here:

Uninstall Holdem Manager 2 via Revo unistaller and then reinstall this version:

Step 5: Add exceptions to firewall
Some firewalls detect HM2 as a threat because of the way it interacts with different poker software, as a consequence they can block HM accessing files it needs to and in turn cause a crash. Please follow the instructions in the FAQ carefully.

Step 6: Set correct permissions on files and folders HM2 use
Please follow the instructions in this FAQ:

If these solutions do not work please email us back and well be happy to help.

Holdem Manager Support Team..

Then, I went to this page, as directed in step 1:

That link gave me four pages of instructions on how to do that part of step number one.  And I seem to be stuck on that step.

If I go through all these instructions, step-by-step (and I really don't have any choice) I'll eventually get it figured out, but it's going to take a lot of time.

Besides the problems with installation, from what I do have installed, it looks like I'll have to devote many more hours to figure out how to use the program.  Version 2 of Holdem Manager is very different than Version 1, and after briefly looking at the interface and all of the options, I don't know how to do anything that I was doing when I used Version 1 while playing on PokerStars.

This makes no sense.  I used to be a member of MENSA (I stopped paying dues when the local group folded.)  I took three semesters of computer science in college--it was a long time ago (1980s), but I try to keep up with developments, especially in software.

I estimate that it will take me somewhere between 10 and 30 hours to figure all of this out.  It could actually take a week or more, because there are several steps along the way where there might have to be E-mail communications between myself and Holdem Manager.  For example, they might want me to send them certain files, or the exact wording of an error message.

How can this be so hard?  Can most poker players, confronted with something like this, really figure it out fairly quickly and easily?  I don't see players in the poker forums complaining about it.

I'm supposed to be smart, but I feel stupid, frustrated and angry.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

April 2013--Brief Summary And Addtional Information

There is a lot going on, and a lot of new things are happening.  I apologize for not posting in the last 11 days.  You'll understand why as you continue reading.

First, the money part.  Even though my hours are down, I'm slowly but surely grinding my bankroll up.  It's now at $135.50, getting closer to the $165 that I want before I move up to $3.30 SNGs.

I recently changed my time goals from working at poker at least 40 hours a week to 105 hours a month (25 hours a week times 4.2 weeks per month.)  I didn't hit that either, finishing with 96 hours in April.  My profit was $25.58, which I can't be unhappy with, considering how few hours I worked.

It will probably be even fewer hours this month.  There are still four of us taking turns spending time with my mother-in-law, but it's turning into a situation where eventually I will have to be the lead person.  My wife and her brother have full-time jobs outside the home, and they show signs of getting burned out already.  Besides being in the rotation, my wife is handling all of the medical issues, and my brother-in-law is handling all the money issues, including writing all of his mother's checks.

That leaves my sister-in-law and I.  My sister-in-law has physical limitations and as this situation continues, more will probably fall on me, and that's as it should be.  I usually don't like being Available Guy, but this is what you do for family.  Also, there are financial reasons why it makes sense for me to take more of this on myself.

First, I'm protecting the two people that have full-time jobs outside the home.  They both make significant incomes, that must be protected.  I'm not making much yet, and my sister-in-law is physically limited and can't work much, so the two breadwinners have to be protected from burning out.  Also, if we can keep this going (at least until winter, which is the current plan) we will save my mother-in-law thousands of dollars that she would otherwise have to be spent for assisted living.  A lot of money is on the line if I don't hold up my end.

So, no more predictions about my hours. To add to everything else, I have to take my computer into the shop tonight, so I won't get to play at all for possibly a week or more. I'll do what I can and try to get a lot of studying done.  I'll get my bankroll up, but it might take a while.

I said that a lot has happened, but this is already getting long, so I'll end with a preview of future posts:

There are two pieces of very good news:

1. The first explicitly legal and regulated online poker has been dealt in Nevada, and other states are taking a close look.

2. Holdem Manager 2 will be working with America's Cardroom soon.