Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Results for March, 2013

It's been more than a week since my last post, and I apologize.  As with many of my ADD weakness, in this case, letting things slide, I've come up with a fix.  As usual, that fix involves imposing structure on myself.

There are certain sites or pages that I always open when I get online.  For example, I always open several Open Office spreadsheets, including Poker Hours and Comprehensive Poker Worksheet, as a reminder to keep those things up to date after I play poker.  I've added a new one, Blog Ideas.

Now, as part of my regular routine when I first get on my computer that day, Blog Ideas will be open, not only to remind me to make regular entries, but also to put things down that I might want to blog about, before I forget my brilliant idea of the moment.

There is no excuse for my not posting almost every day.  Even if I don't have anything new to say (which would be very unusual for me) I post on the 2+2 poker forums nearly every day, so I can crosspost one of those posts on here.


I have been trying, so far without success, to post a Holdem Manager graph of my results.  I'm not sure why I can't make it work, but I'll keep trying to figure it out.  Since I don't like my thinking to be too short-term, looking at a graph of the last 60 or 90 days (or more) helps me to see the big picture of how I'm doing.  I hope sometime soon to be able to do the same on here.

Last month went fairly well, considering that I've given up on being able to get my 40 hours a week in under the present circumstances.  My first full week was 48 hours, and the others were between 20 and 25 hours.  More about that in a future post.  But I made some money last month.  As often seems to happen, the month had a rough strart but ended well:

   Dates            Profit or Loss
  3/1-3/2                 7.53
  3/3-3/9             -10.94
3/10-3/16            -14.19
3/17/3/23             19.07
3/24-3/30            17.80
    3/31                     1.20

Month ending bankroll: $108.02 

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