Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Hours Will Be Cut For A While

Anyone who has read this blog more than once or twice knows how obsessive I am about planning and staying organized.  I don't want to be that guy any more--the guy who wasn't diagnosed wth ADD until age 40 and made a mess of his life along the way.  Because of that, I overcompensate and put a lot of systems in place to make sure that I never again am that confused, overwhelmed person that didn't even know how to be organized (though for a long time, I thought I did.)

There is going to be a big change.  My goal of devoting a minimum of 40 hours to poker every week, including at least 15 hours of study and 25 hours playing poker, is on the shelf for a while.

There are two things going on, and I knew that they were going to happen.  But a lot could happen all at once, and very soon.

I have a 90-year old relative who needs some extra attention, and that's no surprise.  We all knew it was coming.  I understood that at that point, her needs would come first.  That time has come, and four family members are on rotating duty, with each of us taking a day to spend time with her to keep an eye on her, and determine how much longer she will be able to continue living by herself.

Thing number two, which I also knew was coming, is that we could be moving soon.  We've been close a few times, and the house we were going to move into is conviently next door.  Moving day depended on when the owners moved to a farm with their horses.  They are now facing a deadline to have their horses moved, so that might be a live option soon.

There might be another option as well.  It's not conveniently next door (which would make the move much cheaper and easier) but it's still local, and the rent would be a lot less than we're paying now.  Eventually owning whichever home we move to is a live option as well.

So a month or two from now, it's very possible that we will be moving, which will put poker on hold for a while.  I will be the packer-in-chief so that my wife doesn't have to take much time off from work.

The disruption of poker will be temporary, and getting a new place, and getting my relative's situation resolved, are both good things.  If we have to decide between two options for moving, either way it will be a better situation, and less costly, than where we are now.

I will still keep track of my hours, just to keep my records straight, but unless I think I'm goofing off, I'm not going to worry too much about what those numbers are.  I would love to work 50+ hours per week every week for the rest of the year, but as Dave Ramsey is fond of saying, just when you think you have it all figured out, life happens.

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