Saturday, February 23, 2013

I'm A Multitabler Now

It's only two tables at a time, but you have to walk before you can run, right?

I decided that I had no choice, and that it was the logical solution to a problem.  That problem is that I never know how long it is going to take a SNG to fill up and start.  If I am the first player to register, I might wait five mintues, or twenty.

I had been trying to find other things to do during the indeterminate wait time, but the more I thought about it, the more ridiculous it was.  I would join a SNG that was half-full, start working on something else, and then three minutes later the SNG would start.  The next time, I would be first to enter, and it would take ten minutes.  It's hard to do something useful with time frames that are both so short and so uncertain.

Yesterday I committed to sessions of several hours, playing two tables at a time.  Whenever I was down to one table, I started another one.  At one point yesteday, in 4.25 hours I finished 8 SNGs.  That's a big increase in volume, compared to single-tabling with an average SNG playing time of 51 minutes.

I was concenered about how much my profit per SNG might fall off, and I wasn't sure whether playing more of them would make up for it, which is the general idea of multitabling--less profit per table, but more tables, equals more profit.  I need not have worried.  I've been on a great run since I committed to 2-tabling, and I have a decent shot at getting my bankroll back over $100 by the end of the month.

I think it might have something to do with ADD.  A lot of 24-tabling online pros say that playing one table is just too boring, and some of them in fact do have ADD.  Maybe that's why I did so well, but then again, about 20 SNGs over two days (so far, the night isn't over yet) isn't much of a sample size. Maybe variance was on my side.  I think that both are true--I managed continuous two-tabling better than I expected, but I also ran very well.

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