Monday, October 15, 2012

My computer is in the shop

I have been without my computer for several days, which means that I haven't played poker for several days.  I'm also behind on my recordkeeping and some other things.  I was a week behind on my recordkeeping before the computer locked up, so I'll be putting in a lot of administrative time when I get it back.

I was looking up something online, and suddenly everything locked up.  I got a screen that said I had done something illegal.  I don't remember all of the possiblities on the list, but one was that I had downloaded child pornography.  Even though I knew it was a scam (I did not download anything during that computer session) it was definitely creepy to see that as a possible allegation.

It wasn't a very convincing scam.  All I had to was send $200 to a certain address to pay my fine and get my computer unlocked.  Also, the logo at the top wasn't the US Department of Justice.  It was the Department of State.  As far as I know, Hillary doesn't have the power to fine anyone.

I've been without my computer for a few days, and told me that their turnaround time is usually between two and five days.  I hope that I get my computer back soon.

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