Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Results for week of 1/16/-1/22

I'm more or less back in my regular routine now.  I'm done fighting Holdem Manager, at least for a while.  And the improvements in my recordkeeping system seem to be working well.  I still have income taxes to deal with, but I learned a lot last year, and I'm hoping that I can get all of my poker numbers together in just 3 or 4 hours.

Since so many poker players (and those in other cash businesses) underreport, I throw in extra information on my tax return to try to head off an audit before it starts.  I'm not at all worried about being audited, but if I can give some extra detail about where I got my numbers, it decreases my chances of an audit.

The main thing that I do to discourage an audit is to put down the number of tournaments played.  Instead of just saying that I made X during the year, I break it all down, something like this:

Profit from 143 net win online tournaments
 + Profit from 2 net win live tournaments
= Total profits from poker

Loss from 277 net loss online tournaments
+ Loss from 2 net loss live tournaments
= Total losses from poker

Those numbers (many more tournaments than in my example) are plugged into my schedule C (self-employment income), and I'm all set.  Then I'm hoping that because I list the exact number of tournaments (a lot more than in my example), the IRS will understand that I didn't pull those numbers out of the air.

Enough about all the admin stuff, time for the weekly results.

Administrative,    13.25
Study,                           .75
Play,                         34.25
TOTAL HOURS    52.25

I'm not happy with how that turned out, but it guess it couldn't be helped.  I got the 30 hours at the tables that I always shoot for.  And I got more than 40 total hours for the week.  But I didn't even get close to study being at least 10% of my time--that pretty much got overwhelmed by all the administrative hours (mostly dealing with Holdem Manager).  For most pros, they consider time spent on study as at least as important as time at the tables, and less than 1 hour of study in a week is pathetic.

Starting bankroll, 1/16  $45.80
Ending bankroll, 1/22   $43.94

Another breakeven week in a way-too-long breakeven stretch.  Now that I've started my switch to playing only STTs for a while, I'm hoping to grind my way up slowly but surely such that I have a little bit of a bankroll to play with again.  Once that is accomplished, I will gradually transition from spending most of my playing time in STTs to spending most of that time in MTTs.

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