Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's all about the database.

I've been putting if off, but it's time to get it done.  The Holdem Manager tech guy, Fozzy (yes, his avatar is the famous bad muppet comedian) thinks that my database is corrupted.  I could wind up spending several hours dealing with this, so it's the first thing on my agenda when I get up later today.  (It's 12:45 A.M. and I've slept about 2 hours of the last 24, so it's off to bed soon.)  I've been working through all the things I wanted to get done to start the new year, and I will be very happy when this is done.
Every step in this process will be something I have never done before, so I'm going to have to do everything slowly and carefully.  I haven't looked at the instructions for a few days, but if I remember correctly, I have to create a new database, move the hands from the old to the new database, then delete the old database.

That sounds straightforward enough, but with HEM technical problems, it's never easy.  Each of those three steps is itself a multi-step process, and some of those substeps probably have subsubsteps as well.

The really fun part is that, as with many of the newer software programs, there is no manual.  HEM uses forum threads, links and FAQs to dispense their information.  That is a horrible way to organize reference material, and it took me over an hour of poking around to find everything that I need.  I guess having  a table of contents and an index is just so 20th century.

I have no idea how long this will all take, or for that matter, even if it will solve the problem.  I had three Teamviewer sessions in 2010 during which Fozzy remotely took over my computer, and everything isn't solved yet.

This is not going to be a fun day.

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