Friday, September 23, 2016

I'm Moving

I haven't been posting lately because there isn't much to talk about. Poker has been on the back burner and that will continue for a few more weeks. I'm working on poker less than 10 hours a week.  My wife and I are moving and dealing with all that entails. I'm back to posting every day, or at least almost every day,  For the next few weeks this blog will be about moving as much as it is about poker.  We will be moving on or around October 10.

The move will give me a much better situation for poker, both studying and playing online.  I'll get into the reasons for that in future posts.  Also, since summer started there has been one murder per month with 1/2 mile of our current home.  The most recent was three days ago. That's not the main reason we are moving, but it certainly reinforces our decision.

It's not a big move geographic move.  It's only six miles north of where I am now.  You could call it a Dave Ramsey move.*  A lot of people would say that moving into a trailer is a step down, but it's going to save us a boatload of money and that is our goal.

More about both moving and the state of poker in future posts.



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