Friday, August 21, 2015

Possibly The Best I've Played So Far

I played again last night.  It was about as well as I've ever played.  For one of the very rare times, I can't think of a one major mistake that I made.  We were close to the final table of 10 players and I got knocked out in 11th place.  Someone raised and I went all in with AT (ace-ten) preflop and the raiser showed AJ.

I didn't cash.  I had a run of about two months when I was cashing fairly regularly, now I've gone that long without cashing.

Of course I don't play very many times during a month, so the effect of statistical variance, positive or negative, can be pretty strong over such a small sample size.  Big cashing streaks can be followed by long losing streaks.  That's what a bankroll is for, to weather the storms of statistical variance.  I will at some point have to get my bankroll up to at least 100 buy-ins ($5,000) before I don't have to worry about being slapped in the face by variance.

I've been trying to, whenever possible, play two live tournaments during the days that I'm home.  Now my bankroll is getting smaller, and I'm going to have to dial it back.  My bankroll will be gone quickly if I keep dropping $100 every week.  Until I start cashing again, I have to play live less often and devote my extra money to building up my poker accounts.

I will devote some of that free time to studying, especially working with my flash cards.  There are always things that I can work on.  More about that in future posts.

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