Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 2013 Results

It was a rough month.  My profit was $13.10, with my end-of-month bankroll at $160.70.  It started out a lot better than that.

I was fighting a lot of battles in June:

1.  Losing the computer several times for several days put me way behind in keeping up with my records.

2.  I barely played for several days because I was in a fog from taking my wife into work at 5:30 A.M., not being able to get back to sleep for a few hours before mother-in-law duty, then not being able to get to sleep before midnight.

3.  The technology issues are ongoing.  I spent some more time on getting Holdem Manager to install tonight.

But the main reason that my profit was so small this month was a lack of work hours leading to small sample size.

Besides the issues I'm facing, I'm trying to do a lot of things without a lot of hours.  I'm working on multitabling.  I have to study.  I'm learning how the SNGs play at the $3.30 level.  I'm trying to implement new concepts that I learn from my studies.  All of those things are important, but it was hard to give everything the proper attention in a month when I worked no more than 60 hours (that's an estimate, I'm still not caught up on my records.)

My numbers took a big dive the last two days of the month, because I spent a lot of that time two-tabling $3.30 SNGs.  I was playing twice as high as in May, and playing twice as many SNGs in a sitting, which made it inevitable that bankroll swings would be much larger.  Two days of bad results erased most of my profit for the month.

I understand the sample size and variance issues at play.  I know that a month is nothing, especially with the small number of hours that I've been working.  But to be honest, it's embarrassing to report a profit of $13.10 for the month when this is my job.

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