Thursday, July 29, 2010

7/29/2010--Results for week 7/18 through 7/24

Administrative 4.75
Study 6.00
Play 25.00
Total hours, 35.75

It's stil not 40 hours, but I was dodging thunderstorms, or at least that possibility, a few times this week.

I don't think I've said this before, but I am very strict when counting my work hours. I round every session to the nearest quarter hour, and if I'm not playing, studying, or doing administrative work, it doesn't count.

If I'm waiting 10 minutes for a tournament to start, it doesn't count. Breaking to eat, go to the bathroom, or anything else, doesn't count if it's more than a few minutes. Getting sidetracked by a phone call, or having to look up something non-poker-realted on the computer, doesn't count.

So if I can ever starting hitting 40 hours regularly, that would be concentrated poker time, nothing wasted. I still think that I should be doing that well, or better.

Week starting bankroll 7/18, $105.92
Week ending bankroll 7/24, $116.22

Not a great week, but I spent most of the week bankrolled only for $1 tournaments, a tough hole out of which to climb. There aren't options to look for tournaments with good structures--at $1 there are very few such tournaments.

My bankroll requirement for playing $2.20 tournaments is $114.40, so I'm right on the edge. Definitely not a lot of room to maneuver.

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