Monday, November 21, 2016

Mission Accomplished

Last week I worked for over 40 hours.  It wasn't easy.  I only count events, when I am actually working.  When I'm "on the clock" and I do something poker-related for 15 minutes or more, I record the time by the quarter-hour.  If I play for two hours, then take a five-minute break before I study, the five-minute break doesn't count.   The clock starts again when I'm studying.

There are a lot of family things going on this week. I feel like I'm already scrambling to get this week's hours in before the family things happening on Thanksgiving (Thursday) and Saturday..  We have two of our sons coming from a distance, in fact, one has just moved back after several years in Alaska.

It's great to have so much of the family together again and it's certainly not something I should complain about.  However, if I really intend to be a poker pro, I have to put the work in.  After all, my wife knows that she's going to work her 40 hours this week, and I need to look at my job exactly the same way.

Last week it was really a scramble.  My last work hour was study.  Specifically, between 2240 and 2353 I spent some time on the coaching site of Jonathan Little, a two-time World Poker Tour Player of the Year.  At a subscription cost of $10 a month the site is a tremendous bargain.

I finished up my poker time by reading Little's blog, then watching videos of the Jonathan Little Weekly Poker Hand, episodes 116-121.  When I finished it was 7 minutes before midnight and I had reached my goal.

My hours for last week:

Playing poker online, 29 hours.
Studying, 9.25 hours.
Administrative, 2 hours.
TOTAL, 40.25 hours.

I wanted studying to be at least 25% of my work week and I fell a bit short, with study at 23%, but I'm just getting used to being a full-timer.  Soon everything will fall into place.

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