Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Chess players, poker players and drug dealers

In a 2+2 forum post about chess vs. poker, the discussion was about things like which was harder, whether a great poker could be a great chess player and vice-versa, and which skills were needed for each game.

One person said that whether your occupation is chess player, poker player or drug dealer, you have to study and work hard to be successful at your profession.  That got me thinking about what would happen if a drug dealer thought like a poker player:

Studying is fine, but it has to be applied:

If I make a drug sale on the corner, I get x dollars, but if I go to jail, I will not only lose the ability to make money, it will cost me money in fines, legal fees, etc. I estimate the chance that I will be arrested for any one transaction at about 0.5%, so . . .

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