Tuesday, December 21, 2010

12/21/2010 Results for week of 12/12-12/18

Administrative  1.00
Study                    4.00
Play                     36.50
Total Hours     41.50

Not bad.  I put in over 40 hours and spent more than 10% of my time studying.  That's right where I want to be.

Beginning bankroll, 12/5  $47.95
Ending bankroll, 12/11     $50.18

Not a big week (or month or year) but that's kind of how the year has gone.  I'll have more about that to say at the end of the year.  I'll just say that I'm confident that next year there is going to be a big breakthrough.

I haven't been posting very regularly, and that's one of the things that I plan to change in 2011.

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